
Sale of Uprent to Renta

Superia acted as the financial adviser to BaltCap and the founders in the sale of leading specialized pumping solutions company Uprent to Nordic equipment rental company Renta, backed by IK Partners.

Uprent is a leading specialized pumping company providing dewatering and bypassing solutions in the Baltics and Poland. Renta Group is a Finnish construction machinery and equipment rental company with over 100 depots and 1,000 employees in Scandinavia and Europe.

Sandijs Abolins-Abols, Partner at BaltCap, said that backing Uprent was a unique opportunity to work with a determined management team and founders and develop the company into the leading player in the Baltic and Polish markets.

Baltcap press release

For more information please contact:

Lauris Balga, Partner,

Sigvards Dzelzkalējs, Associate Director,

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